Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here is the living room. I just got the lamp behind the couch and the mirror over the fireplace. I am waiting for bronze silk drapes to arrive, hopefully they will help the lamp, it isn't doing much for me right now.

Should I hang the big red and yellow orchid painting behind the sofa?

I really need to figure out what to do with the space over the buffet. Mutiple little paintings? Some other kind of art?

My Bedroom

Here is my bedroom. Once the attic finished, this will be the guest room.


The bathroom is a million times better than the 'before' picture. Snaps to Barbie for painting it.

Guest Bedroom

This is the guest bedroom/room of random stuff (ignore the pile of paintings on the bed, I can't decide where to hang them). It used to be dark red, but the new paint really makes the room look bigger. It will be an office once the attic is finished.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I made candy for Renee's shower. We started out with a lot more, but they were tasty.

I grew tomatoes
