Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Question: Dining room opening round 2

Here is a taped off version of the proposed opening between the dining room and the kitchen. It would definitely open the space up. I'm just not sure I love the keyhole. But the upper part of the opening is 2 feet wider this way.

Question: Painting in the living room?

What do you think of hanging this painting over the couch?

House numbers at night

Look how bright they are! Sorry the photos are blurry.

Friday, November 14, 2008

New dining room table!

Here is my new table!

Here it is expanded into a square.

So these are two examples of the type of chair I am considering. Which one do you like?

I think the white chair would lighten the room more, but I love the nailheads on the darker chairs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Question: Kitchen to Dining Room opening?

I am wondering if I like this 'keyhole' proposal from the architect. It would be for the opening between the kitchen and the dining room. Which photo do you like better?

The left and middle photos here shows the proposed shape.

I think I might like a straight opening better?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Question: Copper Appliances?

I am trying to decide if I should get these copper appliances for my new kitchen. What do you think? I like them with the lighter wood cabinets. Like here. Only with cabinets like the ones in this photo.

Here is a photo that shows the appliances.

House Numbers

I finally got my house numbers done today. They have solar LED lights so they will light up at night.

I have drapes!

Look at the pretty drapes that Barbie made me! Now I need some new pillows for the couch.