Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A tip on Tuesday

My friend Tammy (http://tam-sense.blogspot.com/) says I have lots of awesome ideas and tips on how to make life easier/more efficient. I thought I would share some of them here. I did not come up with any of these, they have been picked up along the way from my family, friends, magazines, blogs, etc.

Try to wipe down your stove after every meal. It's annoying, but it's much easier to clean off any food before it gets dry and crusty.

Monday, May 27, 2013


We've been painting for days! The bathroom, bedroom and closet are done. However, it's been cloudy for days, so these pictures are terrible. I still have to take a non-blown-out photo of the closet.

Slowly, but surely, it's coming together.

Bathroom: BM Hale Navy

Bedroom: BM Tundra

Thursday, May 9, 2013


We went with Nutmeg (the left side, middle stain from the previous post!) Here is the floor with the stain, but no poly yet.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stain Options

This picture is terrible, but which stain do you like for the floor? The top right is hard to see, it's no stain, just a clear coat of poly.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A tip on Tuesday

My friend Tammy (http://tam-sense.blogspot.com/) says I have lots of awesome ideas and tips on how to make life easier/more efficient. I thought I would share some of them here. I did not come up with any of these, they have been picked up along the way from my family, friends, magazines, blogs, etc.

Sorry this tip is late, I've been out of commission with the stomach flu.  

To help prevent your pictures from shifting and becoming crooked on the wall, stick rubber bumpers (the little round clear ones) on the back, on the bottom corners. If you are too lazy to do this and then you start renovating your attic, the pictures in your house will move around EVERY SINGLE DAY AND MAKE YOU INSANE STRAIGHTENING THEM. I might know from experience.


 They started installing the hardwood floors! They are pretty!